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Search USB Scale Model 510 5LB - Scale Software: What Customers Are Saying About This Product

otiskupersmith8755 USB Scale Reader is an open source application that reads the weight information from your scale, whether its the free scale or one that you purchased. The program auto detects hard coded scales on start up and all other scales can be auto detected using settings. USB Scale Model 510 5LB - Scale Software

The Usb.Task() does the polling, OnScaleChanged() will be called if scale state changes. In general, scales are slow devices so one reading every 1-2 seconds is probably the fastest rate you can expect.

HelloCould the USB host shield talk with more then one scale?Looking to make a scale system with 4 scales to measure cross weight of an RC car like they do in full scale cars racing.Thanks

And as soon as i post i spot my error.. DOH! under 10kg the weight is less than 6 bytes, which throws out the further mappingAs my input is a string could i get away with.. struct ScaleEventDatachar8_t[howeverlong] scaleReport;

Its all for semi automation of a nano brewery, heating and transfering specific masses of liquor thru the 3 vessel system on schedule.the scales will sit under the second vessel measuring the mass both in and out. offers a free USB scale when you sign up for their service. The first versions of this scale did not have a display. In order to find the weight of an object the scale had to be connected to a computer running the software. If you happen to have one of these old scales or are able to pick one up cheap, you may be interested in using it outside of the service. There are several options on how to do that.

Not true! Like shipping scales there are some tricks to make it more better. For instance, if you have a part that is 1/10th the resolution of the scale, use units of ten instead. And with larger sample sizes, the error rate goes down, not up.

I suppose it is true that by counting by tens instead (or larger amounts) it can work better for small items as long as you are trying to count a large enough number of items. I usually ended up using mine to try to part out

Sunspot Home Reading a postal scale - more notes for my bad memory . . . . Objective Long term - Measure the honey flow in a beehive using a Linux box and view the results on a web page.

I have purchased various cheap electronic luggage scales and had hoped to use the strain gauges in them with some custom electronics.But that is not easy. Then I discovered various postal scales with built in USB output. The cheapest is the model 510 5lb postal scale - eBay in the USA lists lots of them being sold by people who no longer need their contract with

I plan to build a simple balance using a wide plank balanced on a strip of angle iron with the right angle V corner pointing up as a fulcrum. The beehive will sit on the plank to one side of the fulcrum.The other side will be longer and weights will be placed to just balance the hive.The Model 510 will be placed in such a way as to register incremental increases in the weight of the beehive.Care will be taken to ensure it never sees more than 5lb before an end stop limits the pressure. It might be placed arranged so that, say, 20lb of new honey will apply 5lb of force to the scale.So :- First task - connect the USB postal scale to a Raspberry Pi

presents an open source c program that reads the weight from a USB scale.With many thanks to erjiang for publishing this software. It can be compiled on the Pi I unpacked and put the contents into a new folder /home/graham/scales on the Pi

root@raspberrypi:/home/graham/python-scales# ./ ('ELANE Model 510 5LB USB Scale', 123, 255) [123, 123, 123, 123, 123] -> 123 [255, 255, 255, 255, 255] -> 255 Tared... put something on: (press return here) 0

I picked up a 5 lb USB scale at Value Village for .99. Cheap gamble. I send little things out from time to time and it's good to know how much they weigh before I price them for eBay. Plugged it in to my iMac, (10.5) and the little light went on. I downloaded MacScale because I really have no interest in getting involved in and the demo is free and usable, just has an annoying reminder. The scale is recognized but stays at zero, does not seem to notice anything placed on it. I can't tell if it's just broken, or I'm not doing something right. Has anyone used one of these?

Most shipping commercial shipping scales communicate over serial or virtual serial communication over USB. If your shipping scale communicates in this way these routes will allow you to communicate with your shipping scale. Unfortunatly, there is no standard communication method. All scales communicate differently. At this time it will be up to you to figure out how your scale communicates; however, these routes should provide everything you need to get started.

Nearly all scales should be supported by the RocketShipIt Scale Server. If you are having trouble connecting your scale please reach out to RocketShipIt support. If you send us your scale we will do our best to make it work and send it back. This process usually only takes a few days.

Next, navigate to :8084/hid. This should show a list of compatible HID devices. This list may include your mouse, keyboard, or other HID devices not related to your scale. The list should show a manufactor and product description but might not be available on all systems. If you cannot find your device by the description you may need to unplug the device, refresh :8084/hid, make note of the current devices, plug in device, and refresh again to find your device.

The next step is to plug in the VendorID and ProductID for your scale into a URI which reads raw bytes for the scale. The VendorID is 2919 and the ProductID is 21854. The URI format to read raw bytes from a scale is /scale/read/raw/:vendor_id/:product_id/:bytes. We can read 10 bytes from this particular scale by doing a GET request to :8084/scale/read/raw/2919/21854/10

Any value recieved is a success, especially if it changes when you add weight and refresh. It is now up to you to figure out how your scale represents the weight in raw bytes. Here are a few common scenarios you should run on your scale. The first thing you should look for is a change in bytes when you add some weight to your scale. Then:

You can weigh your mail at home with the Truweigh General Compact Bench Scale. With its large stainless steel platform and rubber feet, this scale is heavy duty and has a large maximum capacity, making it essential for more than just weighing mail.

Stamps are used to import weight from scale. With the digital postal scales offered by, you can import the weight directly into the software, reducing entry errors and saving time. You can weigh your mailpiece by placing it on your scale and clicking the Weigh button.

The postage scale is not a big deal if you only ship small items, but if you ship larger items, you may need one. Importing automatically is a feature of automatic importing. You will need a postage scale if you plan to connect your scale to your computer and automatically import the weights.

It is true that you can weigh packages on any scale, even a kitchen scale, as long as it provides accurate measurements. If you really want to weigh packages like a pro, we recommend springing for a shipping scale.

But, I found a solution. I bought one of these: -com-5lb-USB-Model-510-Postal-Scale-BRAND-NEW-IN-BOX/303137517165?hash=item4694676e6d:g:pYUAAOSwpXZcxKik This scale is just $10 if you sign up for (only in the US). Even if you quit their service, you can keep the scale. So, there are a lot of them available. OTOH, they are fairly hard to find in France, and more expensive because they have to be shipped from the US.

This scale comes with a wheatstone bridge and no display. But, there is a USB interface, which also provides power. Then, using software I found online: I just run a loop and check the reading once a minute. If sit is >0, I have mail. = 0, the mailbox is empty. So far, no issues with temperature instability. The only real issue is granularity. the smallest weight it will measure is 0.2 oz (about 5.6 grams). So, it may miss a single postcard.

For example, many simple HID connected postal scales adhere to this specification. (Note: Most laboratory balances, industrial scales and checkweighers do not adhere to this specification and instead use either a RS232 or TCP/IP interface. For these types of scales, our WinWedge software would be a more appropriate tool.)

NOTE: For laboratory balances, industrial load cells, truck scales, counting scales, digital weight indicators, and ALL other HID and RS232 serial scales and other devices please use WinWedge Software for your data collection. HID Scale-Wedge is only for inexpensive postage and package scales that use the HID interface.

USB Scale-Wedge inputs data from many low cost USB-HID connected postage and package scales. Easily input weight data directly into Excel, Access, inventory applications, accounting programs, any Windows application or any web page.

NOTE: For laboratory balances, industrial load cells, truck scales, counting scales, digital weight indicators, and ALL other USB and RS232 serial scales and other devices please use WinWedge Software for your data collection. USB Scale-Wedge is only for inexpensive postage and package scales that use the USB-HIB interface. 2ff7e9595c


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