Neri is a young girl with an affinity for water, the ability to swim long distances and super-human lung capacity. She lives alone on an otherwise deserted island, and sleeps in a nest in a tree. Early in the first season, Neri befriends two Australian boys; Jason & Brett Bates. The Bates brothers live in an elaborate underwater research and environmental protection facility called ORCA (Oceanic Research Center of Australia) located near Port Douglas, Queensland. At the beginning of the series, their mother, Dr. Dianne Bates, has been assigned to ORCA to study whale song in the hopes of facilitating cross-species communication. A significant portion of the series takes place on ORCA itself, and looks at the activities of its inhabitants, which includes the school-aged children of the resident scientists, such as Jason and Brett. Jason discovers Neri while on a whale-tracking expedition with his mother. While attempting to tag a whale using a harpoon from the boat, Jason is startled by a girl (Neri) who appears in the water and positions herself between Jason and the whale, saying "No, no!", Jason freezes and fails to release the harpoon. Dr. Bates rushes out to the ship's deck, grabs the harpoon and tags the whale, albeit missing the intended target area. Dr. Bates is furious with Jason and doesn't believe his story about a girl appearing in the water. No one believes Jason at first and he is ridiculed by the other children on ORCA. Brett is the second character to know of Neri's existence. Brett and Jason's friendship with Neri is at first a highly guarded secret due to Neri's fear of other humans.
A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement.
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The girl seemed crushed, suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied,
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The Frieder family on holiday. Women pose with Jane and Peggy on a mountain, probably in Hawaii. Pan of the ocean vista and city below, probably Honolulu. 00:00:29 Two adult couples lounge outdoors. The girls and their mother Julia pose before going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. Jane and Peggy on a ship deck with flowered leis around their necks. Smoke stacks from other boats are visible behind the rail of the ship deck. 00:01:21 People aboard an ocean cruiser. Shores. Someone dives from the boat. 00:02:14 Jane, Peggy, and Julia wear heavy coats on the ship deck. Other Frieder family members walk towards camera on deck.00:02:30 The girls play outside near a large gate, probably in Yokohama, Japan. 00:02:46 Very brief street scene with shop signs, probably in Hong Kong (see similar shots of same street at 01:08:19 in Film ID 2965). Julia and the girls ride in rickshaws. Cut to a crowded ship dock and other ships in a harbor. 00:03:43 A toddler dressed in a winter coat and hat cries. Pan of landscape from the ship - ocean, islands, mountains. A different view from above of a city with a busy harbor, probably Hong Kong. 00:05:08 Jane and Peggy swim in the pool on the ship deck. Their parents, Morris and Julia, watch and join in the pool.
Learn about over 1,000 camps and ghettos in Volumes I-III of this encyclopedia, which are available as a free PDF download. This reference provides text, photographs, charts, maps, and extensive indexes.
The software is available as a free download on a variety of platforms including Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows (Vista and up to Windows 10), and Linux (Ubuntu). It was developed by Tux4Kids, a company that develops high-quality software for children.